05 May Think Infrared Services to find the source of unwanted water
Dear Glenn: We moved into this house in Clinton Township, Michigan, in September 2001. After a few years, we noticed water spotting on either side of the wall where our chimney box rises above the roof. The roof has a steep pitch coming down, but as it gets down to the height of the chimney box, the builder built a ridge peak to divide the water to go down around either side of the chimney box. I have had 3 different contractors come out and “fix” the problem. With this overnight driving rain, we got up this morning and found a longer water spot than ever before. I am out of ideas and don’t know who to contact to evaluate the matter. — Jeff, Clinton Township Dear Jeff: This is a 2-part problem. First, you need to find out where the water is coming from. Call Bob Carey at Infrared Services of Michigan ((810) 329-9033, www.ismichigan.com). He can do an infrared scan of the home to find out where the water is coming from. Once the water entry point is located, then you can call SAS Basement Waterproofing ((800) 225-5727, www.sasbasementwaterproofing.com) to fix the roof.
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